Things That Made Me Get Through The Week Of Craziness!
Here are some things that just made my week a little better!1. A small French Vanilla cappuchino...told you I'd get one after that last blog :).
2. Small conversations with friends - whether it was 5 minutes or 30.
3. "Oh, I forgot to divide by the radius of the earth...squared" - Dr. Ted Monchesky (Physics prof).
4. Thought to self: "Don't worry Dr. Monchesky...It's only 4.07 x 10^13 m^ won't make a big difference."
5. Thinking how to escape from the women's washroom in the Computer Science building if I was trapped in there/trying to escape from someone - definitely possible!
6. Jumping up and hitting the ceiling tile in the women's washroom to see how easily it moved.
7. The beautiful Autumn colours.
8. Kicking a pigeon*.
9. Using my umbrella as a weapon.
10. Chelsea's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday girl! It was so fun to hang out with you!
11. Watching Napoleon Dynamite's dance for the first time.
Pictures at Mexi's from last night:
Starting Out - Chelsea's gonna be the new pro at anything dealing with cooking!Doesn't she look just like the girl on the book?
Crowning of the Birthday Queen!
That hat really suited you!
Looking great...after a yummy dinner!
Beautiful women...with strange camera effects :)
Hope the rest of the night was fun! Have a great year being 20 Chelsea!!!
*note: did not actually kick a pigeon but thought about it 3 times on the bus, each time a huge smile came to my's SO possible to do :).
I had a pigeon fly into my head once in front of the SUB. Not cool.
I love thinking about kicking pigeons. Mostly because they are so FAT at Dal. I'm gonna do it one day. I wonder if they'd fight back.
We can declare a national pigeon-kicking day. I think it would go rather well :).
fun pics!! kicking a pigeon-- you're a girl after my own heart rebekah!! I'd do it... if I wasn't so scared and I guess they're weren't God's creation and all that...
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