Edge Retreat and The New Ebay
This weekend was the Edge Retreat with Campus for Christ where I got to join with lots of students from Dal and SMU for 3 days of awesome praise and worship, challenging seminars, great company, and memorable staff initiations (see pic :D). It's incredible how God can use a weekend like this and address areas in my life that I've been ignoring or running from for so long! It was definitely necessary and helped me to refocus on what's important in life! Most difficult challenge of the moment? Going and making disciples of all nations - but doing this "as I go". It seems like such a scary thing to do this in every opportunity. Waiting for the bus, going on the bus to school, in between classes, even during classes. Definitely feel like I'm taking baby steps...which is why I'm sharing tomorrow during the Days of Evangelism! Look for a post later on!Luke and Matt - a successful trip down the ramp (unlike previous or later attemps which involved being thrown off the cart like a sack of potatoes)

The beautiful colours of Autumn...not in Halifax yet :(

Welcoming the new guys: Matt and Chris' initiation with a little Nova Scotian flavour. They really do look like they were plucked from a fishing village! Hey, that kilt looks familiar :).
In other news, I'm sick :(. I think it's a combination of lack of sleep + stress + too many marshmallows (but they were SO good!!!). This sickness is putting me in a non-working mood so I decided to browse the Dal classifieds and found out how addicting they can be. Did you know how much free stuff is being offered? I just emailed a girl to get a whiteboard for free! Don't know what I'll do with it exactly, but it can't hurt :). Other items of interest include a burberry bag and 3 mice (not blind) in need of a home - Shady, Lefty, and Blacky...I think. Definitely tempting. We'll see if there are 3 new members of my family by the end of the week :).
lol. shady, lefty and blacky?? that's too funny. I'm still laughing. you're a girl after my own cheap heart. hope you feel better!
Ha,ha you know what I find funny about the pic with Matt and Luke? Is that Matt is holding on to Luke. I am totally cool with that and its totally something I would do (hold on to the person in front of me so I don't fall off) but for Matt it seems so funny because (1) guys are sometimes particular about stuff like that ...like if you ever notice guys going on a motorcycle together, the one on the back often holds onto the back of the motorcycle instead of the guy infront and (2) I thought Matt was one of those guys that doesn't like to touch other guys b/c at Winter Conference last year, he made a big deal about sleeping in the same bed with another guy and insisted they had to go head and foot. It was quite comical.
Hey, that's hilarious Marianna...I never really noticed it, but I'll have to mention it to Matt now. Hope it's not a damper on his masculinity :)!
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