Monday, October 16, 2006

Week of Craziness

For those of you who thought I dropped off the face of the planet, I have.

Here's my schedule for the week:
Monday: Organic Chemistry Exam, Physics Exam, Evolution lab
Tuesday: Physiology Exam
Wednesday: Physics CAPA due
Thursday: Evolution Exam
Friday: French Test, Organic Chemistry lab and assignment due.

So I just finished Organic Chem...and I'm still alive - that's a good sign I guess. Now I have to start studying for Physics...hmm...did I say start??? Hahaha. I think I'm gonna buy myself a cappucino to keep me awake 8).


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh oh dear. That is an insane schedule. Keep at it Bek, you can doooooo iiiiiiit!! (and it wouldn't hurt to keep November 8th, or thereabouts, in mind either. you will promptly forget all your exam woes! ;) )

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Jess said...

You are my schoolwork hero! Keep yo head up guuuuurl! Love you!!

At 10:20 AM, Blogger SLH said...

Wow! that is crazy, all I can say is press on, the weekend will soon be here!

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW (Or, as they would say here: Aiyaaaaa!)


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