As I was procrastinating working on my evolution lab, I found this on Janette's blog. So funny!!! You have to listen all of it - the remix is the best part...okay...maybe I'm just overtired...let me know :).
Things That Made Me Get Through The Week Of Craziness!
Here are some things that just made my week a little better!
1. A small French Vanilla cappuchino...told you I'd get one after that last blog :).
2. Small conversations with friends - whether it was 5 minutes or 30.
3. "Oh, I forgot to divide by the radius of the earth...squared" - Dr. Ted Monchesky (Physics prof).
4. Thought to self: "Don't worry Dr. Monchesky...It's only 4.07 x 10^13 m^ won't make a big difference."
5. Thinking how to escape from the women's washroom in the Computer Science building if I was trapped in there/trying to escape from someone - definitely possible!
6. Jumping up and hitting the ceiling tile in the women's washroom to see how easily it moved.
7. The beautiful Autumn colours.
8. Kicking a pigeon*.
9. Using my umbrella as a weapon.
10. Chelsea's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday girl! It was so fun to hang out with you!
11. Watching Napoleon Dynamite's dance for the first time.Pictures at Mexi's from last night:

Starting Out - Chelsea's gonna be the new pro at anything dealing with cooking!
Doesn't she look just like the girl on the book?
Crowning of the Birthday Queen!

That hat really suited you!

Looking great...after a yummy dinner!
Beautiful women...with strange camera effects :)
Hope the rest of the night was fun! Have a great year being 20 Chelsea!!!
*note: did not actually kick a pigeon but thought about it 3 times on the bus, each time a huge smile came to my's SO possible to do :).
Week of Craziness
For those of you who thought I dropped off the face of the planet, I have.Here's my schedule for the week:Monday: Organic Chemistry Exam, Physics Exam, Evolution labTuesday: Physiology ExamWednesday: Physics CAPA dueThursday: Evolution ExamFriday: French Test, Organic Chemistry lab and assignment due.So I just finished Organic Chem...and I'm still alive - that's a good sign I guess. Now I have to start studying for Physics...hmm...did I say start??? Hahaha. I think I'm gonna buy myself a cappucino to keep me awake 8).
Gobble Gobble Gobble
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!This has been one of the most interesting Thanksgivings ever. It started on Friday where (for the first time) I enjoyed the Chem lab! I don't know how that happened...actually I do. The usual Chem TA wasn't there and the guy who substituted was really fun and I didn't feel stupid whenever I asked a question. That's something to be thankful for :). Skip Friday night, where I watched Flight Plan and ate waaay too much popcorn, and Saturday, and move to Sunday. For like the first time ever we had someone over for Thanksgiving! It was Nancy's sister Christine who's in Halifax for 6 weeks for job training. It was so fun getting to know her and filling her in on all the things to do around Halifax (which took a whopping total of 2 minutes...jk...well, maybe not). I don't know how I would handle being away for Thanksgiving. It would definitely be more difficult to think of things to be thankful for. Something I'm thankful for right now: apple pies and pumpkin pies...yummm...and Thanksgiving leftovers...I'm gonna have dreams about turkeys tonight!!! Gobble Gobble Gobble...haha...maybe I'm turning into one :).Here's a pic of Christine, me and my sisters!
Something that I'm really struggling with right now is letting go of things. Accepting the fact that, although I am only 18, I am getting older and time is totally flying by. Accepting that relationships are changing like waves in the ocean and that there's nothing I can do about it. Accepting that I can't be with more than one group of people at one time - crazy as it may sound, that's the hardest thing for me right now.
Edge Retreat and The New Ebay
This weekend was the Edge Retreat with Campus for Christ where I got to join with lots of students from Dal and SMU for 3 days of awesome praise and worship, challenging seminars, great company, and memorable staff initiations (see pic :D). It's incredible how God can use a weekend like this and address areas in my life that I've been ignoring or running from for so long! It was definitely necessary and helped me to refocus on what's important in life! Most difficult challenge of the moment? Going and making disciples of all nations - but doing this "as I go". It seems like such a scary thing to do this in every opportunity. Waiting for the bus, going on the bus to school, in between classes, even during classes. Definitely feel like I'm taking baby steps...which is why I'm sharing tomorrow during the Days of Evangelism! Look for a post later on!
Luke and Matt - a successful trip down the ramp (unlike previous or later attemps which involved being thrown off the cart like a sack of potatoes)
The beautiful colours of Autumn...not in Halifax yet :(
Welcoming the new guys: Matt and Chris' initiation with a little Nova Scotian flavour. They really do look like they were plucked from a fishing village! Hey, that kilt looks familiar :).
In other news, I'm sick :(. I think it's a combination of lack of sleep + stress + too many marshmallows (but they were SO good!!!). This sickness is putting me in a non-working mood so I decided to browse the Dal classifieds and found out how addicting they can be. Did you know how much free stuff is being offered? I just emailed a girl to get a whiteboard for free! Don't know what I'll do with it exactly, but it can't hurt :). Other items of interest include a burberry bag and 3 mice (not blind) in need of a home - Shady, Lefty, and Blacky...I think. Definitely tempting. We'll see if there are 3 new members of my family by the end of the week :).