Chacun Son Goût
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Memory-span of a goldfish

Do you ever feel like a goldfish? You think of something and the second you turn around you forget it? It's like the fish in the tank seeing a shiny rock, saying "Wow...that's such a cool rock!", swimming around for 3 seconds, coming back to the shiny rock, and saying "Wow...that's such a cool rock!"
I am like that goldfish. I have been for the past 3 months. Ever since coming back from OEX, I've had the chorus of a worship song stuck in my head...just the chorus...couldn't remember the verses. Every time I thought of the song, I was like "I need to google that song and get the verses!". Well, 3 months later I did it. And now, even though I remember the verses when I see them, I can't actually remember them from memory! It's like my brain doesn't want to retain the words! Right now, for the life of me, I can't remember it!!! - Even though this morning I looked up the words again...just like I did last night...and the day before. Too bad I can't just click a "Save" button in my brain...I guess I'll just have to go google it again.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I hate it when people stare at me. It makes me want to wither away and disappear. What's really hard is trying to hold eye contact with the starer when they're talking to you. Sometimes, it's like they can't even make an effort not to stare. It makes me feel like a freak - freak with a capital F. It makes me want to poke their eyes out...ok...maybe that's too extreme.I never stare at people. Well, maybe I do but I never get caught. Yesterday, I was staring at a guy on the bus who was missing the top part of his ear. I wasn't staring because I thought he was weird...I was staring because I was fascinated. But I didn't get caught. And whenever I do, I don't continue staring. I look away like most normal people and glance every once in a while. Maybe I'll start wearing a paper bag over my head.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Red Eye Flights
So it's 9:13am and I just discovered I don't have a French tutorial this week...they start next Tuesday. I could have slept in an extra hour! Noooo! I'll just be a zombie for physiology and evolution.This past weekend, I watched Red Eye! It was really good...definitely my type of movie: it has the suspense without the horror! It got me thinking what I would do if I was stuck in Lisa's situation: being "kidnapped" in order to assassinate the head of Homeland Security and being threatened with her father's death if she refused to co-operate...all while being stuck on an airplane next to her captor. Would I have broken down emotionally or kept it together? Would I try informing one of the flight attendants or obey my captor quietly to save my father's life? Would I shove a pen into his neck or into his heart (just kidding...won't think too much about that one). Would my body choose fight or flight?
What would YOU do?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Flashback to: The 70s!
Today was "That 70's Sunday" at my church and it almost had me wishing I grew up in the 70s. Something about the beat and the disco ball, the polyester craze, flower prints and tie dyes give me happy goosebumps. I even started to tap my foot to Dancing Queen, Stayin' Alive, and Celebrate Good Times. Even though I didn't dress up, it was great to see how people managed to dig up some 70's style clothing, jewelry, and tease their hair into an afro. For others, it was a little more difficult to tell if what they were wearing was the norm or "dressing up" :).For school, I've decided to approach each of my courses with a positive outlook. It somehow helps when you have conversations in your head arguing with yourself that the courses you are taking are fascinating and useful in everyday life. We'll see how long this lasts...hopefully I won't talk to myself outloud!
And one thing I discovered about myself (actually yesterday) is that I'm a very angry person. I hold anger against the way certain people act, against how some people have changed, against myself and my hopeless's really been bogging me down. Chances are, if you're reading this, I'm angry at you! Just kidding! But what I realized is most of the things I hold anger against are things that I can't change. They're ultimately not in my control. I was reminded how it says in Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
This is mind boggling...that I don't have to store up all these worries in my heart and think about how I can solve all the problems in the world, but instead, present my requests to God. And what does He give me? Peace. Peace that passes all understanding. He extends His grace to me once again. This once again proves to me that "simple" aspects of Christ are way deeper than I ever imagined.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
First Days
There's always a first for everything...first steps, first words, first job, and of course, first days of school. I have absolutely no recollection of the day I first stepped foot in Hawthorn Christian Academy. Actually, the only memories I have of that school are running around on the playground, being in a one-room schoolhouse, and making deer stew with a friend. However, since grade 4, my memory has served me better and I will try to write down some memories before they leave my head completely!First day of Grade 4: I walked into the class in my oversized jumper. I was with my mom and all the students were already sitting down. Class had already started and I was introduced. During break, I was waiting for my sister or Natasha or anyone I knew to come outside when a girl named Morgan introduced herself to me. We played during recess and we've been great friends since
First day of Grade 5: Lots of new students...during break, Mrs. Yeomans asked me and Morgan to befriend a girl named Amarea who was by herself by the swings (I think...correct me if I'm wrong). We enthousiastically ran toward her, probably scaring her to death with our friendliness.
First day of Grade 6: Can't remember.
First day of Grade 7: We had lockers! Obviously, that was what was important in my life at the time.
First day of Grade 8: Lockers again! I shared one with the new girl: Jessica Christian
First day of Grade 9: New students were Chris and Carol Wong. We all thought they were twins.
First day of Grade 10, 11, 12: Can't remember...I remember lots of things from during the year, but not specifically the first day.
First day of 1st year at Dal: Mom drove me to the McCain Building where I had one class - Biology with Megha and Jessie.
First day of 2nd year at Dal: I was wearing a pink American Eagle shirt. Apparently clothes were the most important thing in my life at the time!
First day of 3rd year at Dal: I was wearing...jk. Found out I shared Physiology with 4 different girls I met last year - Alison, Alley, Mallory and Maki. Ran into Megha filling out an interesting survey....all for a feather boa :) a feather boa for myself, helped out with the Campus for Christ table where I saw Jessie and Morgan and I helped give out FREE STUFF for 20 minutes, and on the way to evolution, I saw Amarea! What are the chances of seeing all you guys on the first day? I miss you all so much! Oh, and I also found out my evolution prof was bitten by a vampire maybe in the middle of class he'll suddenly transform. That could be amusing.
Well, I'm done for the day. Bread machine kept me up half the night! Do you remember YOUR first days?