Highlights from T dot
That's what ppl call Toronto, right? Is it T dot or T-dot or T.dot? I don't know. Anyways, I was in Toronto this past weekend to visit my Auntie and Uncle (taking advantage of those flying priviledges already). While I was there I did a lot of...thinking. Here are some random thoughts that crossed my mind and highlights from the trip:Thoughts
#1: There are a lot of people in Toronto...and a lot of them are Chinese! (I think I saw more Chinese people there in a day than I see in Halifax in a year.)
#2: Toronto is the city that never sleeps (12am...still so many people out that you'd think it was afternoon.
#3: (upon returning to Halifax) I feel like a minority. There are white people everywhere.
#4: (during the airplane descent) It looks like this plane is landing in the middle of a forest.
#5: (on the drive home) The buildings here are really short and kind of stubby looking.
Don't get me wrong, I love Halifax! It's just that you realize how small it really is when you come back from a big city.
#1: Rebekah is reunited with Taro...mmmm...after about 1 year of separation, my tastebuds are finally satisfied with a Taro-filled bun!
#2: The warm weather! It's actually summer in Toronto.
#3: Me and my sisters going to the Apple store and playing with the computers. We took 18 pictures, tried to email them to ourselves...this wasn't working so one of the guys working there helped us. And then we all took a picture together...it was fun :).
#4: Yummy icecream from the Slush truck. I'm glad I got a medium because a large would have been like...1 foot tall!
#5: Seeing my Aunt and Uncle again. Hearing my aunt recount stories of her and Dad in their younger days. Surprising Story: Dad in Irish Pub.
The only downside of going to Toronto was the amount of studying I got done which was like...none at all. The good news is that I'm no longer writing the MCAT in Maine! The AAMC added more test dates so now I'm writing on the 25th of August (which means less summer *sniff sniff*). Oh well.
Updates on what's happening this summer: I'm going to be starting my honours in July with a woman working in neonatal/perinatal research!!! I'm excited because it's exactly what I want to get in to! Still waiting to hear back for a job but I have another interview for being a personal care assistant. Also, I'm gonna be volunteering at the QEII!!
Okay, it's time to go back to studying Physics.