Highlight of the Day
Chinese babies are cute. From my own unbiased opinion, I'd have to say that they are the cutest babies in the world. I saw a girl on the bus today who was probably 3 years old and Chinese. She played peek-a-boo with me...even though I was like 6 rows behind. She made me want to have kids...something I haven't felt for a little while. I love Chinese kids!

Boys will be boys...
Here's something interesting that was on Oprah a few days ago...I actually didn't see it but am looking at the website. Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly, Grammy award nominee Brian McKnight, and Jay Leno were on the show to answer the most puzzling questions about guys.
The questions included:
1. Why do men go to strip clubs?
2. Why do men watch porn?
3. What's up with catcalls and wolf-whistles?
4. Why are men so obsessed with golf?
5. Why do some men cheat?
6. What do men think about after sex? and
7. Why do men get lazy after they say "I do"?
Here's my favourite answer to #7:
Rick: When guys go hunting and they get a deer the first day, the rest of the week they sit in the cabin and drink and brag on their deer. It's the same when guys get married. Like, "I got my deer. It's not like I'm not good looking. I could get more deer, [but] I've got my deer." They think, "Hey, I've done what I've got to do. Now I don't have to work that hard."
Great...is he comparing getting a wife to hunting deer?!?!
If you want to read more go to http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200511/20051101/slide_20051101_350_108.jhtml.